“Sneaking in and out of thought” encapsulates the theme of this exhibition. This lyric by Shabazz Palaces, taken from the song that lends the exhibition its title, is all about validation and our experience of existence. Many artists in the queer community today address the question of recognition: this exhibition reinforces that not only are we here, we are visible and we are noticed. This Biennial aims to expand the queer artistic conversation and connect us by pointing out our similarities and our differences.
The works in the 2nd Art Student Biennial at the William Way LGBT Community Center bring together very personal works of art from diverse points of view. Whether consciously or unconsciously, these points of view emphasize our complexities and our resilience, showcasing the enormous talent of our local artists.
Arien Wilkerson, the juror for the exhibition, is interested in the conversation between the work and the mind. It is clear that each selection was considered carefully. Arien shared with me the mental narratives they created in the decision-making process that tie these works together. The beautifully constructed storytelling and landscapes of emotion that the juror felt is on view here, reinforcing that feeling of “I saw you” that I hope will resonate with viewers of this Biennial.
The art exhibitions presented by the William Way LGBT Community Center throughout 2020-2021 were never intended to be viewed exclusively in an online format. However, with the closing of our physical building due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all art exhibitions scheduled for 2020-21 will be presented as online exhibitions.
Although never the same as experiencing artworks in the Community Center’s gallery, online art exhibitions provide a safe viewing alternative, promote the artist’s creativity, and provide an opportunity for interested viewers to purchase artworks.
Prices for works that are available for sale are listed within the captions for each artwork. 65% of each sale will go to the artist and 35% will go to the Community Center to support our arts & culture programs. If you would like to make a purchase please email John Anderies, who will make arrangements to take your credit card information over the phone and make artwork delivery arrangements.
Thank you so much for your continued support and patronage of Philadelphia’s LGBTQ+ artists and the Community Center’s arts & culture programs.
William Way LGBT Community Center
1315 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107 P: 215-732-2220